Thursday, October 30, 2008


I think tattoos are bad for your body because when they put the tattoo on it inserts a lot of ink and the ink goes in your body. you can get ink poisoning from this. another bad thing is that when you get old your skin might get all wrinkly and the tattoo might get really saggy. when the tattoo gets really saggy it won't look the same as it did when you were younger. another thing that is bad about getting a tattoo is that if you don't want that tattoo anymore you can take it of but it will leave a huge scar. it will look as ugly as a really saggy tattoo.
A "good" reason is that you'll have a pretty design on your body. It'll look "cool". basically there is no other reason why getting a tattoo is good.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Droppin out of sK3wl to work

I just saw a video about teenagers dropping out because they have to go up north to pick veges and work to earn money. They drop out because they come back to school late after working and they have a lot of work to catch up on so they get frustrated. when they get frustrated they think it's too moch work so they don't want to go to school anymore.
A program MET helps them catch up on their education so they can graduate and live a good life. they pay the teenagers minimum wage for studying because their not working so they can't earn the money they need. Instead of working they study so thats why they pay them. They go to the met program to learn what they missed "when going to school".
If I were to say something to a grocery food owner about where their food comes from I would say that kids are the ones who produce their food and to care for how much food they're buying so that the kids won't have to work so much. I would explain about the teenagers education and how they're missing out on their education. I want them to know that they can buy their food from some other source that doesn't use child labor and doesn't make them work.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What I got to do 4 a Livinqq.."/

Hi I am a farmer and I work 12 hours everyday of the week. Each hour of torture I only get $2 dollars to support my family. I have to keep on picking crops and planting them. I almost cry every single day over the fact that I can't earn enough money a day to put food on the table. my parents always tell me about their childhood and how sad it was to live that way. well anyways I have to go home and just be proud of what I have. My days are always like this until I have enough money to survive, which is never! I can't even get an education because I hardly go to school and even if I do I miss out on a lot. I have no freinds only the workers that work with me and it doesn't really matter if I have freinds or not because all we do is work. I worry sometimes because I can get seriously hurt and I'm afraid that we can't afford that. If I can have anybody elses life I would have the best future I can imagine. I would go to school, be a child, have fun, get a great education but I have no choice I have to work.