Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If I wErE the kIDs lABOrinG in AFRicA

I am a boy in africa working in a gold mine. I have no freedom at all. This is really hurts me because I don't get to live a normal life. Each and everyday I have to work and can't even get enough money to support my family. I can never look foward to anything fun to do. I would like to have friends but I can't make any because of the ridiculous amount of work we have do. I rather go to school because its not dangerous. When we work we use mercury which is a chemical that attracts gold. this chemical hurts my hands and I'm scared I might get disabilaties like mental retardation, blindness, loss of hearing, or any other problems. from carrying heavy objects I get wounds that don't really heal because I work the next day. I wish I can live a life as a normal child. I don't think happiness will ever come to me. I'll spend all these days with working and never having a chance to live a happy life.


lahana said...

Superb writing BTan. You really captured what these boys must be feeling. Does watching that video make you feel like you want to help or simply make you sad?

MrSullivan said...

Very good job putting yourself in these children's shoes, Brianna! I think you did a great job capturing the despair that many of them face. Like Mr. Lahana asked, I wonder if this ability to empathize/feel for these children makes you more likely to try to help them.

lucCy<3 said...

omg Brianna gusse wat...
we got da same layout!!!
but urs is green and mys is pink lolz i like ur blog u doing a vary good job on it keep it ^