I think Love at first sight may be impossible. you cant juss look at someone and so ohh thatss tha person who im gunna marry and be for real. love at first sight is impossible because you have to kno something about them and their back ground before you kno thatss thaa right person. you can look at some and think theyre pretty or hansome buh never fall in love with them the first time you see them.
i understand if you know a little bit about them and you likee the way it looks so far and you guess that the rest of there personality will be fit for you and then see how it works out..buh other then that its impossiblee..unless some other explaination.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Posted by Brianna at 2:17 PM 1 comments
WateRr Lifee
What i didnt know about waterss
- What an estuary is..its a form of a water
- Oak trees live on up land and not mudflatss
- Eel grass grows in mud flat and channel
Posted by Brianna at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
HIV test.
This HIV game is about making decisions and seeing if you picked the right choice. About if your mature enough and trust issues.
First i went to the party thing that he invited me to. then he asked me if i wanted to be his date for the evening. he went in for a kiss and i rejected it. thats why i didnt get HIV
this is important because teens learn how to make these decisions in reality. if they choose the wrong choice in the game you can make the right one in life.
Posted by Brianna at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
An abusive relationship!
Bella and edward are in an abusive relationship. >.<
i think so because he always watches over her and doesnt let her talk to jacob. he hurt her a couple of times. he doesnt want her communicating with others. he threatens to kill himself in order for her not to do a specific thing. even tho some of these things are to protect her its still abusive.
Posted by Brianna at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Its Easierr to Desrtoyy than to Build...
This meanss exactly what it says. It takes more effort to build something than to take it down.
I seen this happening on construction sights. when they take something down it takes about a day and when they try building something new, it take monthss. and also when some one breaks a window in school they do it in seconds. but when they need to repair it, it takes some time.
its important to fight against it because once you destroy something all that waste goes into the garbage which goes into the sanitation grounds. this is bad because our trash pile is growing bigger and bigger. it also takes time and money to replace things. if you destroy something than some one else shoudnt have the responsibilities to fix you mistakes.
Posted by Brianna at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
i found an Alienn!!
Alien: Hello Earthling. Thank you for conversing with me.
You: Hi ms/mr alien?
Alien: May I ask you a few questions?
You: Ofcourse!
Alien: I have never been to earth before, can you tell me a little bit about it? What are some beautiful and interesting places I should visit?
You: Times square, statue of liberty, museums, to the movies and all these other events and places. we eat food and play sport. we swim, play football. we do all these other things that you dont need to know
You: What is your planet like?
Alien: We have acid on our planet and that is what we consume to make our stomachs satisfied. we sleep upside down on our hands. if you harm us or pierce our skin black stuff comes out and they eat you.
Alien: You humans seem like you’re very angry with eachother. I watched people walk down the street and most people didn’t even look at eachother! Why is that?
You: we mind our own business i guess unlike you guys. we have our own lives and it not called being angry.
You: What’s it like on your planet when you walk around?
Alien: we hug each and every person that we see. then we punch them in their face. thats how we greet people. there very little people on our planet.
Alien: Why does your home country go to war with other countries?
You: because we fight for what our country wants even if its not necessary. they like violence i suppose.
Alien: It seems to me that what you call “marshmallows” are the best thing to eat on your planet. Why do you not eat these every day?
You: naah theyre not the best thing on our planet theyre not all that god. we dont eat them every day because its a 'treat' and is not eaten every day. we have other foods and they taste better then that
You: What do you eat on your planet?
Alien: i told you acid!
Alien: It seems to me that you do not treat earth very well. I see people throwing their trash on the ground, cutting down forests, and burning dirty coal to make electricity. Why do humans not care about earth? Is anyone doing anything about it?
You: i dont know why we dont care. i care. they dont think that the earth is going down because all this that theyre doing. some people that care grow trees and clean up the environment a little
Posted by Brianna at 11:26 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
:( :O :P :S
whoever stole the laptop is POOR! :P..yur greedy and dont think about the school. the school doesnt have much money to buy another laptop. they use it for other things like books and school supplies. having laptops is a privelege and is apart of our learning environment. it effects us because whuevers computer you stole they would have to make a new one so they can do their work.
Posted by Brianna at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ewwh! CLOwnss
i am scared of
-clowns>because they are ugly and creepy. if one stalked me i would cry.
-im scared of being in tight spaces. i am claustrophobic
Posted by Brianna at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
R0b0T paRT 1 *{+_+}*
i just finished watching a movie about robots. the difference between a humanoid and an android is that humanoids have the acts of a human but they do not look like humans. an android is also a bot but looks a lot like a human and acts a lot like one also. they also mentioned the uncanny valley. this is a term that a Japanese robotisist named Masahiro Mori made. it means when a robot looks too human and acts to human, then it "backs fire" on you. a lot of characteristics and things that humans possess robots cannot do such as change the way they walked because a robot is programed to walk a certain way and out of nowhere they cant mimick the person thats walking in front of them. they cant change anything about them because they are programed to act a certain way. but humans they can act the way they want towards someone and robots cant. say if a person doesnt like some they could ignore them and say bad things to them but if that person changes it can forgive. but robots cant do that....a lot of other humans do robots cant. robots cant love like humans do...i dont think that they have true feelings
Posted by Brianna at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
she knew that which ever lash she chose would change her whole life ( or at least the night) forever...
she was the one who's been always maken fun of at school. there was a school dance for the freshman, soft more, and Juniors at her school. she had sometime to get ready for the dance about 2 hours; the dance was at six o'clock and she got out around 4. she was nervous and she didn't want 2 go but it was the only time she can redeem herself, to show she wasn't a punk/dork. she didn't want to be teased by these popular girls and stared at weirdly by the boys. she wanted to be one of the girls that are stared at by everyone and even make people double take.
she was getting ready and had already bought a dress because she had no other nice clothes to wear to the dance. the dress is short and kinda hooch-ish, about 6 inches above her knees. she curled her hair and then put it in a pony tail. she took her moms make up and made up her face. mascarra, eyeliner, face powder, lip stick and blush. her mom wasnt home and already gave her permission to go because she knew her daughter is a goodie goodie and would behave responsibly. she was to be home at 9:00 sharp. she was in the bathroom looking at hurself in the mirror lookin for the final touches that would make a different person then she already is. she took off her glasses and in her mind said 'ahh...dats betta'. now she couldnt see anything and decided 2 take it off when she got there.
she was ready to leave but the final touch was her shoes... the shoes she bought with her moms credit card for $256. it was an open toe with diamonds shaped as a crown on top of the shoes but the thing was that it was on sale. the pair of shoes was suppose to be $400 and some. she slip it on with a 4 inch heel on it. she now was ready. slipped on her sweater and walked out the door.
everyone was dancing and then stopped. she came on the dance floor and everyone was surprised but also didnt know who that girl is. they just stopped and stared..it was quiet. she just looked around and shrugged. the boys went up to her and wanted to dance with her and she accepted it. the girls were jealous got paid no mind. she was dancing drinking soda and having the time of her life. she thought she would never have this opportunity ever again. so she had to make the best out of it. A girl spilled the juice in the area she was dancing in smirking as she did. then she went back to her group and they watched as she was making her way to the spill. she slipped and fell on her butt. she had a tear come out and all the girls said mean things out lhe noddeoud. the guy shes dancing with stared at her and led a hand out to help her. the popular girls were surprised and mad. her eye liner and masscarra smudged. she reached for his hand and got up. he led her to the bathroom and waited for her to come out. she washed her make up and took off her fake eyelashes. she was sniffling and couldnt help but to cry. she thought it would be worth coming here and she spend all that money for no reason. she was about to throw away the fake eyelashes but he peeked in the bathroom to see if she was done washing her face and he said not to throw them away and give it to him. so she gave it to him. he took a glance at her and touched her face. she didnt have any make up on anymore and he was surprised of how pretty she looks without it. he put the lashes in his pocket and grabbed her arm. he walked outside with still grabbing her arm and she asked where he was going. he said that hes gunna take her home. she ddnt know what to say so she nodded. her hair was still messed up and she was trying to hide her face but that ddnt get in the way on him lookin at her. she hopped in the passenger seat as he opened the door. she nodded again as to say thank you. he closed the door and went in the driver's seat. he started to drive. he knew the neighborhood she lives in so he didnt ask where she lives although he didnt know what apt.
when she got home her mother was there sitting on the couch waiting for her to come home. it was quiet and she didnt make much noise. she sat next to her mom and she didnt say a word but just hug her...she hugged back. she took off everyhting such as her uncomfortable shoes, her dress, jewelry, etc. she got in her pj's and kissed her mom good night as if theres nothing to discuss. she got ready for bed and layed there thinking about the night she just had. she smiled and closed her eyes. she fell asleep right away.
she woke up at 7 o'clock. she didnt really care what she wore but cared that it was desent. she wore jeans, flats, and a plain shirt but it had a cut that made it cute. she wore her hair in a ponytail. she went out the door with her book bag feeling good about the other night.
when she got to school she saw him and she didnt wanna say 'hi'. he saw her and waved and she smiled back. she knew that night would change everything and that also depended on the eyelashes she chose and that was the right one. =D
Posted by Brianna at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
My Dreamm..
1 nite i went 2 sleep and I had a dream...then he next dream came then the next....i couldnt remember these past dreams buh this other dream came up and this is 1 i remember.
it all happened wen i was struggling 2 run away from these 2 creeps,1 was taller then the other.it was really dark, about 8 o'clock. the creepy poeple looked old and wrinkly. i seemed terrified. in this is dream i couldnt run sumhow so i grabed on 2 the gate that was next 2 me 2 help me go faster. i used all my strength 2 pull my self away from the stangers but couldnt move. i cried for help but noeone came. it felt like i was running really slow but the guys surprisingly didnt catch me yet. well they were pretty slow. i cried for help once more and then thats when the strangers caught me. rite when they caught me a group of people popped up. in that group there was marina, brian, selena, celine, jerrine, katrina, and thats about it. i saw them and i got really excited. i reached my hand out so they can pull me out of this mess. first brian pulled my hand then marina grabbed on 2 him then jerrine grabbed on 2 her then selena grabbed on 2 her then celine grabbed on 2 her then katrina grabbed her and they all pulled. they pulled my hand so hard that we all fell. the creeps werent holding on any more and they were also on the floor. the strangers got up and started laughing. i was wondering why they were laughing. then they put all their fingers under their chin and peeled off sumthing...it was a mask. the taller person was danny carrasco and the shorter person was Ronny!! i was surprised and mad that they would do that and it was late at night and dark.
i woke up and said "wow!"
I decoded my dream and it means "to see people you know in your dream, signifies qualities and feelings of those people that you desire for yourself. To see people you don't know in your dream, denotes hidden aspects of yourself that you need to confront."now this is what my dream might mean...im not sure!
Posted by Brianna at 9:37 AM 1 comments