What i didnt know about waterss
- What an estuary is..its a form of a water
- Oak trees live on up land and not mudflatss
- Eel grass grows in mud flat and channel
The water life game taught you about how the water is polluting the estuarys and that the animals are dieing because of us. we are polluting the water and the animals cant find the foods they need to survive. Yes it taught me a lot of things and its a good lesson. it teaches you alot about the pollution we put into the water adn how we could help it. what they could've done better is make it more graphic. it looked so unreal. when the people were fighting the oil blob they would hit the ground and it would hurt the blob. how could the blob get hurt if they werent even attacking him.
i didnt know what an estuary was thank you for teaching me about it
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