-What information and images are OK to post? What’s not OK to post?
images showing too much skin, or anything involving nudity, illegal activity.
-Have you ever posted something online that embarrassed you or got you into trouble?
no, i never posted anything on line that would get me in trouble or make me embarrased
-Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online?
there is no guarantee that your information would be safe, it might leek and people can search for it.
-How might things you post online affect your future?
if you get interviewed for a job, they might look on line afterwards and might find your information. it depends what you put on the internet even on websites like facebook and myspace. if they find something that they dont like they wont take you.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Profile penalty ;
Posted by Brianna at 8:45 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Silence/Noisee distraction tessst.
a ; No, i Normally dnt Listen to music while studying or reading. Only sometimes. the reason why i dnt do it is because i dont think about Listening to music while doing something Like reading. i have a time where i read, and a time that i listen to music.
b ; my score on the test was a 4 out of 5. i got like two questions wrong. no, the score did not surprise me because i kno i can read with music if i block out the noise and just focus on the story.
c ; in the distraction test some music did distract me more then others. the music with words distracted me more because since im reading words i cant listen to words at the same time. im Listening to the words of the song, and i cant concentrate on both. the music with out words were soothing and helped.
d ; if there were math problems on the distraction test i think i'd be less distracted b.c im not concentrating on words but math problems, unless theres numbers involved in the song.
Posted by Brianna at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
MadLibss; An Odd AnimaL.
The Shnookumss is an animal that has auburn fur with cocky brown spots on its belly button holes and ear lobe. Its tail is shaped like a(n) sock which it uses to hump bags. An adult Shnookumss may weigh more than 3 pounds and stand over 192 feet high.
The Shnookumss can be found only in russia and iraq. Although its favorite food is frog legs, it also likes to eat umbrellas. If you ever see a(n) Shnookumss, be sure not to ever sing “never ever.” That song makes it hard. Instead, give it a few frog legs and be on your way.
Posted by Brianna at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
BOttLedd waterr,, part O1.
O1. No, bottled water is not tastier and most def. not cleaner. they surveyed many people and they said that bottled water is not as tasty as tap water. they also tested the water to see if its cleaner then tap water or not, and it was dirtier. brands like Aquafina and Disani are 1/3 tap water.
O2. bottles that carry the water are made of oil. when people throw out the bottles they are burned and it releases toxic fumes. if they are recycled they get send to countries like India and then they get made into plastics that cant be recycled and will just become waste; plastics such as cellophane.
O3. we should all stop buying bottled water and drink tap water. carry a canister around filled with tap water instead of buying bottled water.
Posted by Brianna at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Gamee Addictionn part O2
fivve weys to kno that yur addicteddd tuu gamenqq.
O1. Dnt showurr, eat, or sLeep.
O2. ALL yew can think about iss PLayenqq.
O3. If yew Act out the characterss to the gamee in real life.
O4. if ALL yew doo iss sit in front of the gamee for hourss.
O5. if your hair grows too Long.
Posted by Brianna at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Gamee addiicTionn. '_' Part onee
Yesssshh.. game addiction is very possible because it can relieve stress. some have nuthinqq bettur tuh doo.
thaa treatment center;; they take awey thaa computer & games frum thaa ppL . thatss how they try makinqq them not addictedd eniimoree. untiL they can furget about thaa ggamess andd focus on othur thynqss moree important. they aLsoo make them doo owtdoor stuff andd exercizee.
in south korea them have a gaminqq center where alL thaa pcs arr. buh in america yew have tuh bye yur own too play. we dont have gaminq centerss where kidss can play aLL daii. we have Librarys withh computerss buh itss onLee 45 minss yew can stay on fur. aLsoo wen where at home we get off thaa computer too eat andd do othur thynqss buh ovur there in southh korea they cud stay andd some of them dont eat.
Posted by Brianna at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
BesTiieesss. :-*
yur another persiin that ill a

Marinaa Boo! i wont forget thaa gud tymess we had toqether. i kno we havent seen each other fur a Lonqq tymee buh dont wurry weLL keep in touch. yew ar thaa kindd of frend that leavess foot printss on maa hart makinqq me never thaa same agen. i cud TeLL yew eny thynqq becuz i kno yew dont have a biq mouth. we had gud tymess aftur skewL hanqinqq owt. im gLad yew were there to keep me company whiLe waLkinqq home. yew Make me crak up wwith yur corny jokess andd thatss wuht i Luv about yew. I knu yew fur a Lonqq tyme andd yew have grown on me. yew make me for get about thaa trubbles i have andd turn my frowns into smiles. iLyew so much. thanx for beinqq there.iLL alweys try to be there for you wenever yew need it. <:) i dont kno wuht exact date we rLLy met becuz that wuz aLonq timee ago so that duznt matter much,,thaa important thynq is that we've met.
Hahaa,, ohh yew make me laff. yew are thaa frend that has my bak wenever i need it. yew are thaa one that lightss up maa daii if im sad. yur thaa one whu hugss me for no reason juss becuz yew luv me. yur a frend i wud nevur wannuh losee alsoo. yew Hold sumthynq that no other has... thatss wy yew arr one of these very important peopLe.iLyew soo much becuz of aLot of reasonss.. yew aLweys make me happy..=D.. yessh andd i did have to repeat that agenim so gLad we becamee frendss,, that we have this reLation ship. Sexciee! [michiie] i kno that yur onee of thee greatest thynqs that happenedd to me. i wud luv to be frends to thaa very end. we aLsoo dun have thaa date that we met becuz i cudnt remember buh yew are sTiiLL a very important persiin. yew show me aLoT of Love andd thanxx for showinqq me that yew luv me andd makinqq me feeL Lykee im one of thaa best thynq that happenedd to yew Too!ohh micheLLe yew hold thaa key to happiness..at LeasT to my hart.
Yew guys are thaa best..yew guys arr thaa very important ppLss in maa Lyfee andd yew frendss arr thaa oneess whu make my daii run thaa smoothest as can be. im TeLLinqq yew'ss that thiss is thaa besT thynqq that evur happenedd to me. eny of yew can makee me sad by juss TeLLinqq me im nawt a gud enuff frend, or if eny thynqq bad cumss between eny of us that can makee mee rLLy hurt. im thaa happiest persiin ive proLLy evur been aLL becuz of thaa simpLe thynqq of yew guyss beinqq with mee. andd i dun nevur evur evur nevur wannuh losee eny of my besTiiess..Kaykay, SHay,Marinaa, andd MicheLLe..>*this is in no particularr ordur*<..Thankss fur beinqq there durrinqq aLL thesee yearss..iLyahh andd i cantt show how much..even infinitee cantt even show it. Mwuahhs.. O: :D
Posted by Brianna at 11:54 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Thaa last goodbyee [suicidee] ]:
i wuz a mistake wuznt i.
i wuz leff to get beaten
and left to cry.
my heart broken and
now iLl be gone.
no worrys i promise
it wont be lonq.
mammii i thought onlee objectss hurt.
when to be thrown
i found owt mammii
wurdss hurt too.
people laffed at me
teased me
and now itll be fine
im hanginqq on
a meek thin vine
its about time now iLL go.
sumone cut thaa vine
or iLL juss Let goo?
Posted by Brianna at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
DirTyy waTerr... :P
a)In many third wurld countryss, water getss contaminated and is not safe to drink. It gets contaminated because they dont have a system where feices dont get into the water. so when the humans excretes the poop water goes into the stream that they get their water from. when they go and fetch water their pickinqq up the contaminated water and they drink it.
b)many get sick from this. one way is that they get thousands of bacteria and viruses in their body and thatss how they suffer and die. children also get dehydration from getting diarrhea.
c) Theres clay filters. its a pot that has a metal coated all over it that kills bacteria. this is one invention. Another one is the life straw. this straw is likee a regular straw. but as you sip it has to different filters that cleans out all viruses and bacteria. One is the slingshot. it evaporatess all the water and leaves all the bad stuff behind. well these are some of the inventions and we can all help by donating a penny a day.
d)They dont have these sanitation inventions because they are poor unlike the u.s. we have alot of money and third world countries dont so they cant afford any inventions to make their water clean. we can also help these people by donating and supporting them. you also shud save water.
Posted by Brianna at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
wuht if tuhdaii wuz maa last daii?..
iLL do every thing i never donee with my family and friends.
run around nakeddd or just maybe in my underwear. [ehh proLLy nawt.]
give a bumm all my money andd then sLap hym. then take sum bak incasee xD.
geT aLL thaa peircings that i want. [noo tatoos xD]
drivee a car arownd.
sTeeL sTuff frum thaa store. and geT everythynq that i want.
squeeze my brother and TeLL hym i luv hym even if im nawT rLLy shuree if thatss tru rii now.
kiss every one that i acTuaLLy Lykee as a persiin..[nawt eny of thaa aduLTss tho. LOLss]
Go to paThmark andd eaT every ice cream fLavor i never Triedd.
do Kart wheeLss in thaa sTreeTss.
go to sheLTerss and Let aLL thaa animaLss free[dogss, catss,, birdss.etc]
Run across thaa top of ocean..[pshh yeaa riitee Lykee thatss possiblee,,weLL watchh imaa do it]
hug a Tree andd Takee pikChuress..then post it aLL over thaa inTerneT.
Write on tha waLLs insidee of buiLdinqqss sayinqq that *BRiiANNA wuz HeRE* and othur stuff.
Fly a plane and then jump owt of it..of coursee with no parachutee duhh.[doinqq this with maa baybee shay..and we Livee!]
dOnaTe sperm!..ahaaa thatss wuht iLL doo..[naah i dun gawT that sTuff]
Go to hawwaii andd dancee with them..with their cocunut bras and grass skirtss..yeaa.
Ridee a Llamma..and a donkey and a horsee and a chicken. and a bunnee. and a Liger. and a wolf. teehee [:
yupp thiss iss sum thynqqss that iLL do..buh iLL do moree thynqss.
Remembuhh aLL these thynqss imaa do with maa famiLy and friendss..
MosT imporTanLy iLL TeLL maa Baybee sheiLANA..that i luv hur andd that'LL bee furevuhh.<33
ANd iLL teLL everyonee that i luv them..Lykee mammii and aLL of them.
Signinqq off...Kirbyy2Pink
Posted by Brianna at 11:29 AM 1 comments