yur another persiin that ill a

Marinaa Boo! i wont forget thaa gud tymess we had toqether. i kno we havent seen each other fur a Lonqq tymee buh dont wurry weLL keep in touch. yew ar thaa kindd of frend that leavess foot printss on maa hart makinqq me never thaa same agen. i cud TeLL yew eny thynqq becuz i kno yew dont have a biq mouth. we had gud tymess aftur skewL hanqinqq owt. im gLad yew were there to keep me company whiLe waLkinqq home. yew Make me crak up wwith yur corny jokess andd thatss wuht i Luv about yew. I knu yew fur a Lonqq tyme andd yew have grown on me. yew make me for get about thaa trubbles i have andd turn my frowns into smiles. iLyew so much. thanx for beinqq there.iLL alweys try to be there for you wenever yew need it. <:) i dont kno wuht exact date we rLLy met becuz that wuz aLonq timee ago so that duznt matter much,,thaa important thynq is that we've met.
Hahaa,, ohh yew make me laff. yew are thaa frend that has my bak wenever i need it. yew are thaa one that lightss up maa daii if im sad. yur thaa one whu hugss me for no reason juss becuz yew luv me. yur a frend i wud nevur wannuh losee alsoo. yew Hold sumthynq that no other has... thatss wy yew arr one of these very important peopLe.iLyew soo much becuz of aLot of reasonss.. yew aLweys make me happy..=D.. yessh andd i did have to repeat that agenim so gLad we becamee frendss,, that we have this reLation ship. Sexciee! [michiie] i kno that yur onee of thee greatest thynqs that happenedd to me. i wud luv to be frends to thaa very end. we aLsoo dun have thaa date that we met becuz i cudnt remember buh yew are sTiiLL a very important persiin. yew show me aLoT of Love andd thanxx for showinqq me that yew luv me andd makinqq me feeL Lykee im one of thaa best thynq that happenedd to yew Too!ohh micheLLe yew hold thaa key to happiness..at LeasT to my hart.
Yew guys are thaa best..yew guys arr thaa very important ppLss in maa Lyfee andd yew frendss arr thaa oneess whu make my daii run thaa smoothest as can be. im TeLLinqq yew'ss that thiss is thaa besT thynqq that evur happenedd to me. eny of yew can makee me sad by juss TeLLinqq me im nawt a gud enuff frend, or if eny thynqq bad cumss between eny of us that can makee mee rLLy hurt. im thaa happiest persiin ive proLLy evur been aLL becuz of thaa simpLe thynqq of yew guyss beinqq with mee. andd i dun nevur evur evur nevur wannuh losee eny of my besTiiess..Kaykay, SHay,Marinaa, andd MicheLLe..>*this is in no particularr ordur*<..Thankss fur beinqq there durrinqq aLL thesee yearss..iLyahh andd i cantt show how much..even infinitee cantt even show it. Mwuahhs.. O: :D
I Freakinn luv yuh thanxz hun..<33
Awwww babess i luv yuhh <3333
awww briANNA i lov it :) && u ofcourse)
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