iLL do every thing i never donee with my family and friends.
run around nakeddd or just maybe in my underwear. [ehh proLLy nawt.]
give a bumm all my money andd then sLap hym. then take sum bak incasee xD.
geT aLL thaa peircings that i want. [noo tatoos xD]
drivee a car arownd.
sTeeL sTuff frum thaa store. and geT everythynq that i want.
squeeze my brother and TeLL hym i luv hym even if im nawT rLLy shuree if thatss tru rii now.
kiss every one that i acTuaLLy Lykee as a persiin..[nawt eny of thaa aduLTss tho. LOLss]
Go to paThmark andd eaT every ice cream fLavor i never Triedd.
do Kart wheeLss in thaa sTreeTss.
go to sheLTerss and Let aLL thaa animaLss free[dogss, catss,, birdss.etc]
Run across thaa top of ocean..[pshh yeaa riitee Lykee thatss possiblee,,weLL watchh imaa do it]
hug a Tree andd Takee pikChuress..then post it aLL over thaa inTerneT.
Write on tha waLLs insidee of buiLdinqqss sayinqq that *BRiiANNA wuz HeRE* and othur stuff.
Fly a plane and then jump owt of it..of coursee with no parachutee duhh.[doinqq this with maa baybee shay..and we Livee!]
dOnaTe sperm!..ahaaa thatss wuht iLL doo..[naah i dun gawT that sTuff]
Go to hawwaii andd dancee with them..with their cocunut bras and grass skirtss..yeaa.
Ridee a Llamma..and a donkey and a horsee and a chicken. and a bunnee. and a Liger. and a wolf. teehee [:
yupp thiss iss sum thynqqss that iLL do..buh iLL do moree thynqss.
Remembuhh aLL these thynqss imaa do with maa famiLy and friendss..
MosT imporTanLy iLL TeLL maa Baybee sheiLANA..that i luv hur andd that'LL bee furevuhh.<33
ANd iLL teLL everyonee that i luv them..Lykee mammii and aLL of them.
Signinqq off...Kirbyy2Pink
Monday, January 11, 2010
wuht if tuhdaii wuz maa last daii?..
Posted by Brianna at 11:29 AM
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Lols i was sayinqq how i was gunna go skydiving wiffout a parachute and live!! great minds think alike ;D Ily <333
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